Have Bad Credit But Still Want to Finance a Motorcycle? 这是如何!

Have you ever wanted something so badly you could almost taste it? Maybe when you were a kid, you wanted a new bike. 你满脑子想的都是这个. You saved your allowance to help pay for it, 当你终于得到它的那天, you spent the whole day pedaling up and down the street. You only stopped because it got dark and your mom made you come in.


Now, years later, you’re saving your pennies for a new motorcycle. It’s a cooler, faster, more sophisticated bike. And, of course, it comes with a higher price tag. 但你已经成功了一半, it’ll only be a few more months before you have enough saved to buy that shiny new bike.

问题是... by then the weather 将 have turned cold. 你做不到的 get outside and ride. Can you possibly wait until next spring to try out your new motorcycle? 当然不是!

So how about financing that new ride?

Buy Here Pay Here Motorcycle Financing等一下,你说. The whole reason you were saving cash is because you have bad credit. 你做不到的 买一辆信用不良的摩托车,对吧? And besides, even if you try, it’s embarrassing to be turned down for a loan. It’s better to just keep dropping those coins in the piggy bank. Who would be crazy enough to trust you with a loan?


极速赛车彩票网站是最大的 buy here pay here motorcycle dealership in North Carolina. 他们 specialize in helping people buy motorcycles - even if they’ve had some credit challenges. The folks at 极速赛车彩票网站 understand the draw of a powerful new motorcycle; after all, they’re motorcycle professionals themselves. 他们明白了. And they’ve made it their mission to help riders in Raleigh, 达勒姆, 卡里, 教堂山分校, 加纳, Knightdale, 牛津大学, 威克森林, 亨德森, Youngsville finance the motorcycle of their dreams. 他们也可以帮助你.


Bad credit motorcycle financing works like this. 你填一张 网上信用申请 at the 极速赛车彩票网站 site before you even step foot in the door of this buy here pay here motorcycle dealership. You’ll have an answer quickly, guess what? 他们 guarantee credit approval, even if you have bad credit! Knowing you’re already approved and can buy a motorcycle, 即使信用不良, gives you the confidence to go shopping. You know up-front that you’ll only be shopping for your motorcycle - and not the loan you need to pay for it.

Once you get to 极速赛车彩票网站, take a look at the fantastic inventory of 公路自行车, 巡洋舰, 街上的自行车, 污垢自行车等等. You’ll find the most popular brands here, like 哈雷-戴维森, 川崎, 本田, 铃木, 雅马哈. 他们都在等你. Take a couple for a test ride and see what you think.

Did you find the motorcycle you’ve been dreaming of?

When you’ve narrowed down your choice to THE one, it’s time to do the paperwork. 极速赛车彩票网站 has a team of finance experts that walk you through this process. 他们 make the bad credit motorcycle financing process quick and painless. 因为他们处理所有的 内部极速赛车彩票, they’re able to work with you to get loan terms that work for your budget. No need to run around to banks, trying to find someone to loan you the money. 极速赛车彩票网站借给你的. 甜,嗯?

他们 需要先了解一些信息...

啊,问题来了! You knew it was too good to be true!

别担心. 极速赛车彩票网站 does request information from you but wouldn’t you do the same if you were lending money to someone? It’s easy to meet their requirements. Here’s a quick rundown of what they’ll ask for. Read through it now, you’ll be ready when the time comes.

  • ID: 他们’ll want verification of who you are. A North Carolina driver’s license is required.
  • 收入: You’ll need to be able to show how much money you make. You can do this by bringing two recent pay stubs. Make sure they have year-to-date numbers on them.
  • 住所: 极速赛车彩票网站 将 also want proof that you live in the area. 他们’ll need two proofs of residence. You can use utility or cell phone bills for this. You can also use a mortgage statement or mail pieces that have your name on them.
  • 保险: You’ll have to prove you have valid insurance. This is only required for on-road motorcycles that require a North Carolina license plate.
  • 引用: 他们’ll want a list of people who can vouch for you. Get a list ready that has six people who know what kind of person you are. You’ll need to include full names, addresses, phone numbers.
  • 定金: 可能需要付首付款. 如果是这样的话, 极速赛车彩票网站只接受借记卡, credit cards (MasterCard and Visa only) or cash (good thing you’ve been saving!).

所以看到? You CAN 买一辆信用不良的摩托车!

罗利市的极速赛车彩票网站公司 从2008年开始营业吗. 他们 know what they’re doing when it comes to motorcycles and bad credit motorcycle financing. 他们’ve built the business by helping hundreds of happy riders get on the road. Not only does 极速赛车彩票网站 sell motorcycles, but they also help you maintain your ride once you have it. Their service shop can handle any 保养或修理 你可能有. From a battery inspection to chain adjustments to a hydraulic line flush, you’re covered. 他们 can even install a windshield if you want one. And if you just need a spare part, you’ll find it in the 部分 department.

Don’t worry about saving up the full price of a motorcycle! At 极速赛车彩票网站, you can finance your new bike, 即使信用不良. 给他们一个 呼叫 或者进去看看他们. 你会很高兴这么做的!